DARASA;siku mbili za za Exhibition hii pale ALLIANCE FRANCIE
imenifundisha mengi sana kiukweli kuhusu HIP-HOP ya Bongo na mienendo
yake kiujumla..wapi penye mapungufu na strategies za kuchukua ili sisi
kama wapenzi na mashabiki wa Hip-Hop kuikomboa kwenye wimbi bovu la
wengi wanaoichukulia HIP-HOP GENERATION kwa dhana tofauti na ualisia..
Shukrani sana
kwa IMAM ABBAS. na crew nzima ya ARES ENTERTAINMENT;Alliance Francie;Ubalozi wa Uswisi;Bro Locko;Father Kitime & Mama
Charlotte..bila kuwasahau wengi tuliohudhuria kama vile JCB & Mo
Plus way long kutoka Arusha;Salu T kutoka Mbeya;The Ghana
Dude;G-Solo;Saigon;Dj Legendary himself Dj JD;Maujanja Saplaya;Isanga
Family;Dani Msimamo;Kimbunga;Sister Caroline;Mbishi Real;Machizi wa
Machatta;Papaya;Songa na Malle + Potrayors wa TAMADUNIMUZIK waliokuwepo
juzi pia;Brother Kingston wa Bagamoyo;Dj Kelvin;PeenLawyer;Edy Show Kazi
na wote ambao nitakuwa nimewasahau...

Napenda sana HIP-HOP na
out of the summit nimejifunza mengi sana ambayo yatanijenga na
kunielewesha kiupana..natumaini itakuwepo tena mwakani na kwa waliokosa
next tym msikose!!!"
The Hip Hop Summit that took place yesterday(23rd Nov 2012)
in Dar es Salaam was a wonderful experience! Such a beautiful gathering
of talents in one room! You could feel the energy flowing! The
presenters brought a lot of information and the freestylin' was
fantastic especially with the traditional instruments! I think this is
going to be a new wave of hip hop here in Tanzania and am happy to be a
part of it!
And the way everybody
committed to come up with viable solutions pamoja, for some of the
problems facing the hip hop community in Tanzania, warmed my heart and
inspired me greatly!Big Ups to Acer Entertainments Family for all of the
hard work organizing and making this dream of a positive gathering of
Hip Hop artists and Hip Hop lovers, come true!! Congratulations to all
who made the summit happen and all who participated! One more day in hot
Dar then headed back home to the foothills of Mt Meru. Have a blessed
day Y'all!! by Charlotte Hill O'Neal