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A Mirror |
The reason they say that variety is the spice of life is, as a human being there is a time you should let yourself go and experience the wonders of the world to make your life more exciting. Perhaps I can say we came from different families and from this we have various qualities and bitterness of life which make us behave differently from each other. The way we behave towards others is kind of hard to realize that it reveals our strength and weaknesses when problems find us. That is why it comes a time when the apple must roll far from the tree to discover the beauty and worst of the world, and from there we might discover things we never experience in our lives or in our families.
As the time approaches, you must break the back of anything, there you must also interact with people in the outside world, make friendship with other people, and the way you interact, and you tend to learn different things from them. Things like their weakness and their strength, also they usually learn different things from you, and I discovered that one man’s meat can be another man’s poison, your strength can be your friend’s weaknesses ‘mutatis mutandis’, there you will learn new skills. And that is one of importance why we must interact with outside world.
William James said that “the greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitudes of minds” the way we think is the way we will behave and in order to learn new ways of life that our partners experienced in their life time we must first change our attitudes toward them. There are things in life you learn logically and others emotionally, because from our families we learn how to be logical from male and emotional in female. One thing I have lean in life, in order to live with integrity is to allow the interaction with others with an optimistic attitude, though it is not always bad to behave in pessimistic attitude, but my friends it’s better to be optimistic toward your friends than being pessimistic and a positive attitude towards friends will help you when your friendship faces twist and turns or ups and downs. Remember what Mickey Rooney quote that we have to learn new different things in our life from different sources because life would not be fun if it did not have its ups and downs.
According to my research I discovered that there are two things which make us in needs of friends, It can be our inner common interest and our inner problems or our outside challenges, thus what happens when we lose interest and when our problems had been solved is that we tend to lose contact with our friends, but one day or night when troubles find us we contact those people whom we think they can give as a hand to solve our problems.
At one time love also can unite us with those we love and those who love us, but for some time love is there and other time it’s not there, there you will experience a new feeling which will make you in quest for new solution, there you meet new friends. So love is something which for sometimes is here and sometime is not there.
For my knowledge what goes around will always comes around, which means there is something which reflect what you are doing, and as it comes around you the one who will experience it, while you are in the center point of my mirror, means that you will always see yourself in the mirror, because this mirror reflect what you are doing, when things go wrong the mirror will reflect the same, when you do good things the same will be in the mirror.
The point is the relationship is a mirror, whenever you are related with a person, a friend, a lover or an enemy a mirror is there, it reflect what we are doing, that is why when we look for friends we base on two things; common interest and inner problems to those we think that they can help us to solve them, also a friend must be someone who is never afraid to criticize you when doing something on either ways, but there stupid people who see their face in the mirror and they see it ugly they destroy the mirror, the mirror does not make you ugly and by destroying the mirror you do not become beautiful, if you see ugly friend don’t try to leave your friend, the ugliness is in you, just drop the ugliness in you and this mirror will reflect a beautiful image, and be thankful for this mirror, and remember the closer the relationship the clearer is the image on the mirror. A friend must be a person who never pulls you down, when we behave bad the reflection on the mirror must tell the same and a good friend will never smell a rat on anything you say, though some of friends are like snakes in the grass never afraid to let you be in queer street, you must be extra carefully or it’s better to stay alone than to pin one’s faith on a friend with bad faith.
An enemy is a friend on the opposite direction so never afraid having enemies, your friend may be afraid showing your weakness but your enemies may use your weakness and with the help of self discovery to strengthen your weakness. The enmity has its own beauty, it a sort of friendship on opposite pole, it is love affair on the opposite direction. I quoted Osho in his book “Meditation the Ultimate Adventure”, that “if you have loved friends, you will love your enemies, because once you know the beauty of friendship, you also come to know the beauty of enmity, is a friendship in a reverse order”. Kumkichwa ni wewe!
it a wonderful article
ReplyDeleteMuch thank to you gud people...hope umenielewa vizuri..bless