Kumkichwa Art Presents Project One
"Joy To The world"

The selection of the pictures was done randomly and no strings attached, but any one who will feel like he or she wanna have his or her Photos to be designed in Joy to the World Art, make a call and give us your pictures...each photo will be charged Tshs.15,000/= only or 10USD($)....check us on Facebook or on Twitter also you can send us your photos through kajiabeid@gmail.com or Facebook Massage...Kumkichwa "Our creativity knows no boundaries"...ni wewe!..All rights reserved by Kumkichwa 2013...One Love

The creativity and vivid artistry of KUMKICHWA absolutely knows no boundaries! It just flows and flows and keeps on flowing! Don't miss getting your Kumkichwa portrait that you will treasure for ever!! Contact this brother y'all! He is part of the new wave of artists in Tanzania...in East Africa...in Africa...on the planet who is a master at digital art and beyond! I'm just sayin'...