Thursday, December 8, 2011


There are things in life that lack explanations-any sort of explanations
For instance who can explain for a certainty why women are attracted to bad guys but at the same time crave for the attention and romance that only good guys can provide?
There are losses in life; losses that we have control over and others that we don’t
Now if we have control over some of the things we lose in life, do we still count them as loss or as choice?
Life is all about choices so they say.
The only things you can’t choose are family and where or how you will die
But has anyone ever asked why do we have to choose one thing over the other?
Can’t we just have all things at the same time?
The irony of life is, the same things that hurt us are the same things that help us appreciate the things that make us happy.
If there was no loss would we appreciate what we have or had for that matter?
If there was no choice wouldn’t we have been robots instead of free moral agents with free will?
 Contributed by Gama Nangale

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